Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day Care License Requirements

So you have decided to start a home day care, but you are not quite sure of the day care license requirements. It is very important that even before you start your business plan you become familiar with these requirements.

There is no point developing your business plan and even applying for start up grants, when you can not be licensed to run your own day care service. You will be just wasting your own valuable time.

You must be at least 21 years old in order to run a home day care. Any background checks should come out clean as this is the only way to ensure that the children and families you interact with are safe. A Tuberculosis skin test is also required to show that you have been vaccinated and are negative for the disease.

You need to be well trained including in first aid and CPR just in case anything was to happen to one of the kids, in which case you would know what exactly to do in that situation.

If you have a pet in your home, your pet must be up to date on all vaccinations and free from rabies. Your home must also be child proof with hazardous materials kept at least five feet above the ground in a locked cabinet. All outlets must be covered with appropriate devices and also they may not be a felon living in the home.

These are some of the day care license requirements that you need to be aware of and try to correct before you apply for your license. If you meet the requirements you should not encounter any problems at all.

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